Monday, November 24, 2008

A chance to breath...

After being deathly ill, the kids and I, and so much more work to do with my part-time job, I've been terribly exhausted. Not to mention my second job that I have been at for a month now. Thus, no new blogs lately. It sounds like I work all the time. I don't really. I try to only work while the kids sleep because I hate missing their waking hours. But I have been really busy so between their preschool and social activities and my enhanced work schedule, I miss them. So this week, I am totally from home. I am supposed to be working, I mean I am, just not a lot. So finally I feel like I have a chance to breath...and catch up on cleaning, and blogging.

What's new? Well, we are all over our horrid sicknesses. Sadie can ride a bike without training wheels. The kids put on a "show" for us Sunday night and it was a good one. Audrey can do forward rolls and tell everyone she is 3 though she's not quite two. Wyatt got a much needed hair cut so that his fro is tame again. We had 2 birthday parties Saturday. Sadie got to hang with girls from preschool and Wyatt was a bowling champ. This week my parents are coming to visit for my birthday and Thanksgiving. I've been trying to finish up my Christmas shopping. And Matt bought a 360. Is that Nintendo? I think so and I am regretting giving into that already.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

◄◄◄ HALLOWEEN 2008 ►►►

This year Halloween was the most fun it has ever been. The kids were able to dress up for preschool for a sing along and were excited to wear their costumes twice. We had to wake Audrey to get ready and you can tell by the pictures that she wasn't into it. To warm them up we let them go next door to Mr. Bill's house. The picture where they are running is when they took off to go over there. Before we headed out to the historic part of town for trick or treating, we let them have one piece from Mr. Bill. From that point on they were ready! Sadie and Wyatt had zero qualms and had the process down. It didn't take Audrey long to start following and in one the pictures you can see her amidst the crowd coming back down the sidewalk. She took a few breaks in the wagon to sample some of her goodies. Afterwards we attended a Halloween party hosted by my good friend Sarah who made us hot cider and homemade cinnamon buns! We had some worn out kids by the time we arrived home. Now comes the hard part of trying to keep them away from all that candy!