Okay, so I rarely post but I think that is acceptable since I don't have too many followers. Unlike some of my blogging friends I don't have awesome blogs with hundreds of followers. No pressure to blog for sure but I do like to update periodically to chronicle our lives, mainly so I can look back and show this to the kids. They LOVE looking at pictures of themselves. They think they are soooo funny. My pictures albums are in aweful condition since they flip through them quite regularly. It used to bug me, you know, them messing up the pages. But now that they are messed up, I think it's cute. Anyhow, I think I last blogged in April so what's new. Hmmm. In May Wyatt turned 5, he is growing up I tell you. He's been in t-ball and is just a great athlete. Sadie had her last day of school. She wasn't feeling well but was a tropper and spent the whole day there. She is such a good reader already! We are in swimming lesson now but Audrey sat out today because she has a scrape she is afraid of getting wet, that girl is crazy. My inlaws came for a week and then one of Matt's hunting friends came for a few days. And not much new with me. Hoping to make it to Oklahoma in July, which reminds me to call my mother right now before I forget. But I'll leave some updates pics of the kids.